// Copyright 2018-2022 Campbell Crowley. All rights reserved. // Author: Campbell Crowley (dev@campbellcrowley.com) const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); const auth = require('../../auth.js'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const sIOClient = require('socket.io-client'); const SubModule = require('../subModule.js'); delete require.cache[require.resolve('./WebUserData.js')]; const WebUserData = require('./WebUserData.js'); delete require.cache[require.resolve('./ApiEndpoint.js')]; const ApiEndpoint = require('./ApiEndpoint.js'); delete require.cache[require.resolve('./ApiRequestBody.js')]; const ApiRequestBody = require('./ApiRequestBody.js'); const basicAuth = 'Basic ' + (auth.commandUsername + ':' + auth.commandPassword).toString('base64'); /** * @classdesc Handles receiving webhooks and other API requests from external * services. * @class * @augments SubModule */ class WebApi extends SubModule { /** * Creates SubModule instance. */ constructor() { super(); this.myName = 'WebAPI'; /** * @description Web server listening for requests, fires * {@link WebCommands._handler} on requests. * * @private * @type {?http.Server} */ this._app = null; /** * @description Internal proxy server for forwarding api requests to other * endpoints. * @private */ this._proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ws: true, xfwd: false}); /** * @description Data representing available API endpoints, and where to * redirect data. * * @private * @type {object.<ApiEndpoint>} * @constant * @default */ this._endpoints = { 'hg': new ApiEndpoint('hg', 'http://localhost:8011', 'hg/'), 'hg-dev': new ApiEndpoint('hg-dev', 'http://localhost:8013', 'dev/hg/'), 'account': new ApiEndpoint('account', 'http://localhost:8014', 'account/'), 'account-dev': new ApiEndpoint( 'account-dev', 'http://localhost:8015', 'dev/account/'), 'settings': new ApiEndpoint('settings', 'http://localhost:8020', 'control/'), 'settings-dev': new ApiEndpoint( 'settings-dev', 'http://localhost:8021', 'dev/control/'), }; /** * @description File storing website rate limit specifications. * * @private * @type {string} * @constant * @default */ this._rateLimitFile = './save/webRateLimits.json'; /** * @description History of requests for rate limiting purposes, mapped by * user token. * * @private * @type {object} * @constant * @default */ this._rateHistory = {}; /** * Object storing parsed rate limit info from {@link WebApi~_rateLimitFile}. * * @private * @type {object} * @default */ this._rateLimits = { commands: {}, groups: {global: {num: 2, delta: 2}}, }; this._handler = this._handler.bind(this); } /** @inheritdoc */ initialize() { if (this.common.isSlave) { this.error( 'This submodule will not work on a slave shard. Refusing to start.'); return; } this._app = http.createServer(this._handler); setTimeout(() => { this._app.listen(this.common.isRelease ? 8018 : 8019, ''); }); this._app.on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { this.debug( 'Webhooks failed to bind to port because it is in use. (' + err.port + ')'); this.shutdown(true); } else { this.error('Webhooks failed to bind to port for unknown reason.', err); } }); this._updateRateLimits(); fs.watchFile(this._rateLimitFile, {persistent: false}, (curr, prev) => { if (curr.mtime == prev.mtime) return; this.debug('Re-reading rate limits from file'); this._updateRateLimits(); }); } /** @inheritdoc */ shutdown() { fs.unwatchFile(this._rateLimitFile); if (this._app) { this._app.close(); this._app = null; } } /** * @description Get the host data for requesting game information from Twitch. * @private * @static * @returns {object} Default header information. */ static get _fetchGameHost() { return { protocol: 'https:', host: 'api.twitch.tv', path: '/helix/games?id=', method: 'GET', headers: { 'User-Agent': require('../common.js').ua, 'Client-ID': auth.twitchID, }, }; } /** * Handler for all http requests. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The client's request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Our response to the client. */ _handler(req, res) { const ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress || 'ERROR'; const url = req.url.replace(/^\/www.spikeybot.com(?:\/dev)?/, ''); if (url.startsWith('/api')) { if (url.startsWith('/api/public')) { this._publicApiRequest(req, res, url, ip); } else { this._apiRequest(req, res, url, ip); } } else if (url === '/webhook/twitch/') { if (req.method === 'GET') { this._twitchConfirmation(req, res, url, ip); } else if (req.method === 'POST') { this._twitchWebhook(req, res, url, ip); } else { res.writeHead(405); res.end(); this.common.log( 'Requested endpoint with invalid method: ' + req.method + ' ' + req.url + ' ' + url + ' ' + req.headers['queries'], ip); } } else if (req.method !== 'POST') { res.writeHead(405); res.end(); this.common.log( 'Requested endpoint with invalid method: ' + req.method + ' ' + req.url + ' ' + url, ip); } else if (url.startsWith('/webhook/botstart')) { this.common.logDebug('Bot start webhook request: ' + req.url, ip); let content = ''; req.on('data', (chunk) => content += chunk); req.on('end', () => { this.debug('Bot start webhook content: ' + content); res.writeHead(204); res.end(); }); } else if (!url.startsWith('/webhook')) { res.writeHead(501); res.end(); this.common.log('Requested non-existent endpoint: ' + req.url, ip); } else if (req.headers.authorization !== basicAuth) { this.common.error( 'Requested webhook with incorrect authorization header: ' + req.headers.authorization, ip); res.writeHead(401); res.end(); } else { let content = ''; req.on('data', (chunk) => content += chunk); req.on('end', () => { console.log(content); res.writeHead(204); res.end(); }); } } /** * @description Handles requests to the public (unauthenticated) API endpoint. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _publicApiRequest(req, res, url, ip) { const endpoints = [ [ '/api/public/patreon-campaign', (...a) => this._patreonCampaignEndpoint(...a), ], [ '/api/public/shard-status-history', (...a) => this._shardStatusHistoryEndpoint(...a), ], ]; const acceptable = endpoints.find((el) => url.startsWith(el[0])); if (!acceptable) { this.common.logDebug(`Public API Unknown: ${url}`, ip); res.writeHead(404); res.end('404: Not Found'); return; } const cmd = acceptable[0].match(/\/api\/public\/([^/?&#]+)/); const rateInfo = this._checkRateLimit(cmd, ip); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', rateInfo.limit); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', rateInfo.remaining); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Bucket', rateInfo.group); if (rateInfo.exceeded) { res.writeHead(429); res.end(); return; } if (!acceptable[1]) { res.writeHead(500); res.end('500: Internal Server Error (No Handler)'); } else { acceptable[1](req, res, url, ip); } } /** * @description Fetches Patreon campaign information. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _patreonCampaignEndpoint(req, res, url, ip) { this.debug(url, ip); if (!this.bot.patreon || !this.bot.patreon.fetchCampaign) { res.writeHead(503); res.end('503: Service Unavailable'); return; } this.bot.patreon.fetchCampaign((err, data) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to fetch Patreon campaign info!'); console.log(err); res.writeHead(500); res.end('500: Internal Server Error'); return; } res.writeHead(200); res.end(JSON.stringify(data)); }); } /** * @description Fetches shard status history information. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _shardStatusHistoryEndpoint(req, res, url, ip) { this.debug(url, ip); if (!this.common.isMaster) { res.writeHead(503); res.end('503: Service Unavailable'); return; } if (this.common.isRelease) { this._proxy.web(req, res, {target: 'http://localhost:8024'}); } else { this._proxy.web(req, res, {target: 'http://localhost:8025'}); } } /** * @description Handles requests to the API endpoint. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _apiRequest(req, res, url, ip) { const match = url.match( /^\/api\/(?<endpoint>[^/]+){1}\/(?<cmd>[^/]+){1}(?:\/(?<args>.*))?$/); if (!match || !match.groups.endpoint || !match.groups.cmd || !this._endpoints[match.groups.endpoint]) { this.common.logDebug(`API Unknown: ${url} ${JSON.stringify(match)}`, ip); res.writeHead(404); res.end('404: Not Found'); return; } const token = req.headers.authorization; if (!token || token.length == 0) { this.common.logDebug(`API NOTOKEN: ${url}`, ip); res.writeHead(401); res.end('401: Unauthorized'); return; } const rateInfo = this._checkRateLimit(match.groups.cmd, token); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Limit', rateInfo.limit); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Remaining', rateInfo.remaining); res.setHeader('X-RateLimit-Bucket', rateInfo.group); if (rateInfo.exceeded) { res.writeHead(429); res.end(); return; } const ep = this._endpoints[match.groups.endpoint]; // const args = match.groups.args && match.grous.args.split('/'); let reqData = null; let userData = null; const self = this; const checkDone = function() { if (reqData && userData && res) { self._apiReady(userData, reqData, res, ip); } }; let body = ''; req.on('data', (chunk) => body += chunk); req.on('end', () => { try { reqData = ApiRequestBody.from(JSON.parse(body), match.groups.cmd); reqData.endpoint = ep; checkDone(); } catch (err) { this.common.error('Failed to parse request body: ' + url, ip); res.writeHead(400); res.end('400: Bad Request'); return; } }); const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'SELECT id FROM Discord WHERE apiToken=?', [token]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err, rows) => { if (err) { this.common.error('SQL query for user API token failed.', ip); console.error(err); res.writeHead(500); res.end('500: Internal Server Error'); return; } if (!rows || rows.length === 0 || !rows[0].id) { this.common.logDebug(`API BADTOKEN: ${url}`, ip); res.writeHead(401); res.end('401: Unauthorized'); return; } userData = new WebUserData(rows[0].id); userData.apiRequest = true; checkDone(); }); } /** * @description All necessary request data has been collected for an endpoint. * Handle finally firing request internally. * * @private * @param {WebUserData} userData The user data for the request. * @param {ApiRequestBody} reqData Data sent in body of request to send to * endpoint. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Our response to the api request. * @param {string} ip Client IP for logging. */ _apiReady(userData, reqData, res, ip) { // Technically the 503 (Service Unavailable) responses should probably be a // 504 (Gateway Timeout) error, but for the sake of the API endpoint, the // client will see this as the final server failing to process the request, // which is semantically clearer to the user. const socket = sIOClient(reqData.endpoint.host, { path: reqData.endpoint.path, extraHeaders: {'x-forwarded-for': ip}, reconnection: false, timeout: 5000, }); socket.on('connect', () => { const reqTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.common.logDebug( 'No response from endpoint request: ' + (reqData.cmd || 'NO COMMAND'), ip); socket.close(); res.writeHead(404); res.end('404: Not Found'); }, 5000); const ud = userData.serializable; socket.emit(reqData.cmd, ud, ...reqData.args, (err, ...response) => { clearTimeout(reqTimeout); socket.close(); this.common.logDebug( 'Fullfilled API Request: ' + reqData.endpoint.name + ' (err: ' + !!err + ', ' + reqData.cmd + ')'); if (err) { res.writeHead(400, {'content-type': 'application/json'}); res.end(JSON.stringify({message: err})); } else if (!response || response.length === 0) { res.writeHead(204); res.end(); } else { res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'application/json'}); res.end(JSON.stringify({message: 'Success', args: response})); } }); }); socket.on('connect_error', (err) => { this.common.logDebug( 'Failed to connect to endpoint: ' + reqData.endpoint.name, ip); console.error(err); res.writeHead(503); res.end('503: Service Unavailable'); }); } /** * Check if this current connection or user is being rate limited. * * @private * @param {string} cmd The command being run. * @param {string} token The user's token used, equivalent of the user ID for * purposes of rate limiting. * @returns {{ * exceeded: boolean, * limit: number, * remaining: number, * group: string * }} Current rate limiting information for the given request and user data. */ _checkRateLimit(cmd, token) { const now = Date.now(); const group = this._rateLimits.commands[cmd] || 'global'; if (!this._rateHistory[token]) this._rateHistory[token] = []; const history = this._rateHistory[token]; history.push({time: now, cmd: cmd}); let num = 0; for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { const g = this._rateLimits.commands[history[i].cmd] || 'global'; const limits = this._rateLimits.groups[g] || this._rateLimits.groups['global']; if (now - history[i].time > limits.delta * 1000) { history.splice(i, 1); i--; } else if (group === g) { num++; } } if (history.length === 0) delete this._rateHistory[token]; const limit = this._rateLimits.groups[group].num; return { exceeded: num > limit, limit: limit, remaining: limit - num, group: group, }; } /** * Parse rate limits from file. * * @private */ _updateRateLimits() { fs.readFile(this._rateLimitFile, (err, data) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to read ' + this._rateLimitFile); return; } try { const parsed = JSON.parse(data); if (!parsed) return; this._rateLimits = parsed; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } /** * @description Handle a request from Twitch to confirm adding a webhook to * this endpoint. * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _twitchConfirmation(req, res, url, ip) { const query = req.headers['queries']; if (!query || query.length < 2) { this.common.logDebug('400: ' + req.url + ' ' + query, ip); res.writeHead(400); res.end(); return; } const queries = {}; query.split('&').forEach((el) => { const pair = el.split('='); queries[pair[0]] = pair[1]; }); const decode = queries['hub.topic'] && decodeURIComponent(queries['hub.topic']); const match = decode && decode.match(/user_id=(\d+)/); const id = match && match[1]; if (!id) { this.common.logDebug( '403 Invalid ID: ' + decode + ' ' + req.url + ' ' + query, ip); res.writeHead(403); res.end('403: Forbidden. Invalid ID.'); return; } const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'SELECT streamChangedState FROM TwitchUsers WHERE id=?', [id]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err, rows) => { if (err) { this.common.logDebug('500: ' + req.url + ' ' + query, ip); this.common.error( 'Failed to check if attempting to Twitch confirm webhook: ' + id, ip); console.log(err); res.writeHead(500); res.end('500: Internal Server Error'); return; } if (rows && rows[0] && rows[0].streamChangedState >= 1) { this.common.logDebug('200 Confirming: ' + req.url + ' ' + query, ip); res.writeHead(200); res.end(queries['hub.challenge']); const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'UPDATE TwitchUsers SET streamChangedState=2, expiresAt=' + 'FROM_UNIXTIME(?) WHERE id=?', [ Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + queries['hub.lease_seconds'] * 1, id, ]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err) => { if (err) { this.common.error( 'Failed to update streamChangedState to confirmed: ' + id, ip); console.log(err); res.writeHead(500); res.end('500: Internal Server Error'); return; } }); } else { this.common.logDebug( '403 Invalid ID: ' + ' ' + (rows && rows[0] && rows[0].streamChangedState) + ' ' + req.url + ' ' + query, ip); res.writeHead(403); res.end('403: Forbidden. Invalid ID.'); } }); } /** * @description Handle a webhook event from Twitch. * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Client request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Server response. * @param {string} url The requested url. Generally a similar or slightly * modified version of `req.url`. * @param {string} ip IP for logging purposes. */ _twitchWebhook(req, res, url, ip) { const query = req.headers['queries']; const link = req.headers['link']; this.common.log( 'Twitch Webhook: ' + req.url + ' ' + query + ' LINK:' + link, ip); let content = ''; req.on('data', (c) => content += c); req.on('end', () => { const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', auth.twitchSubSecret); hmac.update(content); const sig = `sha256=${hmac.digest('hex')}`; const sigReq = req.headers['x-hub-signature']; const verified = sig === sigReq; if (!verified) { this.common.error('Failed to verify webhook signature!'); console.error( 'Lengths:', req.headers['content-length'], content.length, 'Signatures:', sigReq, sig); res.writeHead(403); res.end('403: Forbidden'); return; } let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(content); } catch (err) { this.common.logDebug( 'Failed to parse body of Twitch Webhook: ' + content, ip); console.error(err); res.writeHead(400); res.end('400: Bad Request'); return; } const data = parsed.data && parsed.data[0]; if (parsed.data && parsed.data.length === 0) { const user = link && link.match(/user_id=(\d+)/); this.common.logDebug( `Empty webhook from Twitch: ${content} User: (${user && user[1]})`, ip); res.writeHead(204); res.end(); if (user && user[1]) this._twitchStreamEnd(user[1]); return; } else if (!data) { this.common.logDebug( 'Invalid webhook body from Twitch: ' + content, ip); res.writeHead(400); res.end('400: Bad Request'); return; } this.common.logDebug('Twitch Webhook: ' + content, ip); res.writeHead(204); res.end(); this._fetchWebhookMetadata(data.user_id, data.game_id, content, data); }); } /** * @description Fetch the necessary data for the parsed webhook request, then * continue to sending alerts. * @private * @param {string} userId The Twitch user ID the request is for. * @param {string} gameId The Twitch game ID the user is playing. * @param {string} content Full content string from the webhook to * re-broadcast to shards. * @param {object} [data={}] Parsed content to object. Allows for additional * metadata to be stored and to prevent duplicate alerts. */ _fetchWebhookMetadata(userId, gameId, content, data={}) { let ids; const numTotal = 3; let numDone = 0; const self = this; const check = function() { if (++numDone < numTotal) return; self._twitchFinal(ids, content); }; const insert = function(skip) { let str = 'INSERT INTO TwitchStreams SET user=?, game=?, title=?'; if (startTime) str += ', startTime=FROM_UNIXTIME(?)'; const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( str, [userId, gameId || '', title, new Date(startTime).getTime()]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err) => { if (err) { self.error('Failed to insert stream database info: ' + userId); console.error(err); } if (!skip) check(); }); }; if (gameId && gameId.length > 0) { this.fetchGameData(gameId, check); } else { check(); } const botId = (this.client.user && this.client.user.id) || (this.common.isRelease ? '318552464356016131' : '422623712534200321'); const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'SELECT * FROM TwitchDiscord WHERE twitchId=? AND bot=?', [userId, botId]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err, rows) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to fetch TwitchDiscord database info: ' + userId); console.error(err); return; } ids = JSON.stringify(rows.map((el) => el.channel)); check(); }); const title = data.title || null; const startTime = data.started_at || null; const str = 'SELECT * FROM TwitchStreams WHERE user=? AND game=? AND ' + 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, startTime, NOW()) < 60 && title=?'; const toSend2 = global.sqlCon.format(str, [userId, gameId, title]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend2, (err, rows) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to check stream history database info: ' + userId); console.error(err); return; } if (rows && rows.length > 0) { this.debug( 'Aborting twitch alert due to recent identical alert: ' + userId); insert(true); return; } insert(); }); } /** * @description Handle a user's stream ending. * @private * @param {string} userId The user's ID of which the stream has ended. */ _twitchStreamEnd(userId) { const str = 'UPDATE TwitchStreams SET endTime=FROM_UNIXTIME(?) WHERE user=? ' + 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1'; const toSend = global.sqlCon.format(str, [Date.now(), userId]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to update stream end time database info: ' + userId); console.error(err); } else { this.debug('Updated stream end time: ' + userId); } }); } /** * @description Fetch a Twitch game information from its ID. * @public * @param {string} gameId The ID of the game to fetch. * @param {Function} cb First parameter is an optional error string, otherwise * the second parameter is the fetched data object. */ fetchGameData(gameId, cb) { const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'SELECT * FROM TwitchGames WHERE id=? AND ' + 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, lastModified, NOW()) <= 7', [gameId]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err, rows) => { if (err) { this.warn('Failed to fetch TwitchGames database info: ' + gameId); console.error(err); cb('DB_FAILED'); return; } if (rows && rows.length > 0) { cb(null, rows[0]); } else { const host = WebApi._fetchGameHost; host.path += encodeURIComponent(gameId); const req = https.request(host, (res) => { let content = ''; res.on('data', (chunk) => content += chunk); res.on('end', () => { if (res.statusCode == 200) { this._parseTwitchGameResponse(content, cb); } else { this.error(res.statusCode + ': ' + content); console.error(host); cb(res.statusCode + ' from Twitch'); } }); }); req.end(); } }); } /** * @description Parse the response from Twitch containing information about a * game. * @private * @param {string} content Received content from request to Twitch API. * @param {Function} cb First parameter is optional error string, otherwise * the second parameter is the game object. */ _parseTwitchGameResponse(content, cb) { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(content); const data = parsed.data && parsed.data[0]; if (!data) { cb(null, null); return; } const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'INSERT INTO TwitchGames SET id=?, name=?, thumbnailUrl=? ' + 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=?, thumbnailUrl=?', [data.id, data.name, data.box_art_url, data.name, data.box_art_url]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err) => { if (err) { this.error( 'Failed to update TwitchGames data after fetching game: ' + data.name + ' ' + data.id); console.log(err); } cb(null, { id: data.id, name: data.name, thumbnailUrl: data.box_art_url, lastModified: new Date().toUTCString(), }); }); } catch (err) { this.error('Failed to parse response from Twitch'); console.error(err, content); cb('Bad Response'); return; } } /** * @description All data has been received for a Twitch webhook request, and * is ready to be sent to our shards for re-broadcast and alerting. * @private * @param {string} ids Encoded array of ids to broadcast to shards. * @param {string} content Encoded content string to broadcast to shards. */ _twitchFinal(ids, content) { const toEval = `this.twitchWebhookHandler(${ids}, ${content})`; if (this.common.isMaster) { process.send({_sEval: toEval}, (err) => { if (!err) return; this.common.error('Failed to send broadcast to parent process!'); console.error(err); }); } else if (this.client.shard) { this.client.shard.broadcastEval(toEval).catch((err) => { this.error('Failed to broadcast webhook handler to shards.'); console.error(err); }); } else { const sm = this.bot.getSubmodule('./twitch.js'); if (!sm) return; sm.webhookHandler(ids, content); } } } module.exports = new WebApi();