// Copyright 2018-2020 Campbell Crowley. All rights reserved. // Author: Campbell Crowley (web@campbellcrowley.com) const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const httpProxy = require('http-proxy'); const socketIo = require('socket.io'); const sIOClient = require('socket.io-client'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const auth = require('../../auth.js'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const dateFormat = require('date-format'); const clientId = '444293534720458753'; const clientSecret = auth.webSecret; require('../subModule.js').extend(WebProxy); // Extends the SubModule class. delete require.cache[require.resolve('./WebUserData.js')]; const WebUserData = require('./WebUserData.js'); const proxyOpts = { ws: true, xfwd: false, }; /** * @classdesc Proxy for account authentication. * @class * @augments SubModule */ function WebProxy() { const self = this; /** @inheritdoc */ this.myName = 'Proxy'; /** * The url to send a received `code` to via `POST` to receive a user's * tokens. * * @private * @default * @type {{host: string, path: string, protocol: string}} * @constant */ const tokenHost = { protocol: 'https:', host: 'discordapp.com', path: '/api/oauth2/token', method: 'POST', headers: { 'User-Agent': require('../common.js').ua, }, }; /** * The url to send a request to the discord api. * * @private * @default * @type {{host: string, path: string, protocol: string}} * @constant */ const apiHost = { protocol: 'https:', host: 'discordapp.com', path: '/api', method: 'GET', headers: { 'User-Agent': require('../common.js').ua, }, }; const pathPorts = { '/socket.io/dev/hg/': 8013, '/socket.io/hg/': 8011, '/socket.io/dev/account/': 8015, '/socket.io/account/': 8014, '/socket.io/dev/control/': 8021, '/socket.io/control/': 8020, '/socket.io/master/': 8024, '/socket.io/dev/master/': 8025, '/dev': 8023, '_fallback': 8022, '/master/': 8024, '/dev/master/': 8025, }; /** * The current OAuth2 access information for a single session. * * @typedef LoginState * * @property {string} access_token The current token for api requests. * @property {string} token_type The type of token (Usually 'Bearer'). * @property {number} expires_in Number of seconds after the token is * authorized at which it becomes invalid. * @property {string} refresh_token Token used to refresh the expired * access_token. * @property {string} scope The scopes that the access_token has access to. * @property {number} expires_at The unix timestamp when the access_token * expires. * @property {number} expiration_date The unix timestamp when we consider the * session to have expired, and the session is deleted. * @property {string} session The 64 byte base64 string that identifies this * session to the client. * @property {?Timeout} refreshTimeout The current timeout registered for * refreshing the access_token. */ /** * Stores the tokens and associated data for all clients connected while data * is valid. Mapped by session id. * * @private * @type {object.<LoginState>} */ let loginInfo = {}; const currentSessions = {}; /** * Cache of requests to the Discord API to reduce duplicate calls and reduce * rate limiting. Mapped by user ID and request path. If user ID is unknown, * requests are not cached. * * @private * @type {object.<Function[]>} */ const reqCache = {}; /** * File storing website rate limit specifications. * * @private * @type {string} */ const rateLimitFile = './save/webRateLimits.json'; /** * Object storing parsed rate limit info from {@link rateLimitFile}. * * @private * @type {object} * @default */ let rateLimits = { commands: { 'restore': 'auth', 'authorize': 'auth', }, groups: { auth: {num: 1, delta: 2}, global: {num: 2, delta: 2}, }, }; /** @inheritdoc */ this.initialize = function() { if (self.common.isSlave) { self.error('Proxy not starting due to this being a slave shard.'); return; } app.listen(self.common.isRelease ? 8010 : 8012, ''); self.common.connectSQL(); }; /** * Causes a full shutdown of all servers. * * @public */ this.shutdown = function() { if (io) io.close(); if (app) app.close(); clearInterval(purgeInterval); fs.unwatchFile(rateLimitFile); loginInfo = {}; }; /** @inheritdoc */ this.save = function(opt) { const toSave = {}; for (const i in loginInfo) { if (!loginInfo[i]) continue; toSave[i] = Object.assign({}, loginInfo[i]); if (toSave[i].refreshTimeout) delete toSave[i].refreshTimeout; } if (opt === 'async') { fs.writeFile('./save/webClients.json', JSON.stringify(toSave), (err) => { if (!err) return; self.error('Failed to write webClients.json'); console.error(err); }); } else { fs.writeFileSync('./save/webClients.json', JSON.stringify(toSave)); } }; /** @inheritdoc */ this.unloadable = function() { return true; }; /** * Parse rate limits from file. * * @private */ function updateRateLimits() { fs.readFile(rateLimitFile, (err, data) => { if (err) { self.error('Failed to read ' + rateLimitFile); return; } try { const parsed = JSON.parse(data); if (!parsed) return; rateLimits = parsed; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } updateRateLimits(); fs.watchFile(rateLimitFile, {persistent: false}, (curr, prev) => { if (curr.mtime == prev.mtime) return; if (self.initialized) { self.debug('Re-reading rate limits from file'); } else { console.log('WebProxy: Re-reading rate limits from file'); } updateRateLimits(); }); // TODO: Move loginInfo into multiple files to prevent all sessions being kept // in memory at all times across all shards. fs.readFile('./save/webClients.json', (err, data) => { if (aborted) return; if (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { console.error(err); } loginInfo = {}; return; } try { loginInfo = JSON.parse(data); self.debug(Object.keys(loginInfo).length + ' sessions loaded from file.'); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to parse webClients.json', err); } }); const purgeInterval = setInterval(purgeSessions, 60 * 60 * 1000); /** * Purge stale data from loginInfo. * * @private */ function purgeSessions() { const keys = Object.keys(loginInfo); const now = Date.now(); for (const i in keys) { if (loginInfo[keys[i]].expirationDate < now) { clearTimeout(loginInfo[keys[i]].refreshTimeout); delete loginInfo[keys[i]]; } } } const app = http.createServer(handler); const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer(proxyOpts); const io = socketIo(app, {path: '/socket.io/'}); let aborted = false; app.on('error', function(err) { if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { aborted = true; self.shutdown(true); self.debug( 'Proxy failed to bind to port because it is in use. (' + err.port + ')'); } else { self.error('Proxy failed to bind to port for unknown reason.', err); } }); /** * Handler for all http requests. Proxies all requests to file server. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The client's request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Our response to the client. */ function handler(req, res) { if (pathPorts[req.url]) { proxy.web(req, res, {target: `http://localhost:${pathPorts[req.url]}`}); } else if (req.url.match(/^\/(www|kamino).spikeybot.com\/dev/)) { proxy.web(req, res, {target: `http://localhost:${pathPorts['/dev']}`}); } else { proxy.web(req, res, {target: `http://localhost:${pathPorts._fallback}`}); } } /** * Map of all currently connected sockets. * * @private * @type {object.<Socket>} */ const sockets = {}; io.on('connection', socketConnection); /** * Handler for a new socket connecting. * * @private * @param {socketIo~Socket} socket The socket.io socket that connected. */ function socketConnection(socket) { // x-forwarded-for is trusted because the last process this jumps through is // our local proxy. const ipName = self.common.getIPName( socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || socket.handshake.address); const reqPath = socket.handshake.url.split('?')[0]; /** * @description User data to inject alongside requests. Null if user isn't * signed in yet, or is generally unknown. * @private * @type {?WebUserData} * @default */ let userData = null; let session; do { session = crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('base64'); } while (loginInfo[session]); let restoreAttempt = false; /** * A number representing how abusive the client is being. This is the * previous calculated value. * * At different levels we will react to messages differently. * Level 0: All requests will be handled normally. * Level 1: Requests will be handled normally, with an additional warning. * Level 2: All requests will receive a http 429 equivalent reply. * Level 3: All requests are ignored and no response will be provided. * Level 4: The connection will be closed immediately. * * @private * @type {number} * @default */ let rateLevel = 0; /** * All requests from the client that are still relevant to a rate limit * group. * * @private * @type {Array.<{time: number, cmd: string}>} */ const history = []; /** * The historic quantities for each rate limit group. * * @private * @type {object.<number>} */ const rateHistory = {}; self.common.logDebug( 'Socket connected (' + Object.keys(sockets).length + '): ' + reqPath + ' ' + ipName, socket.id); if (!pathPorts[reqPath]) { self.common.error( 'Client requested unknown endpoint: ' + reqPath, socket.id); socket.disconnect(); return; } sockets[socket.id] = socket; const server = sIOClient('http://localhost:' + pathPorts[reqPath], { path: reqPath, extraHeaders: {'x-forwarded-for': socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for']}, }); // Add custom semi-wildcard listeners. const sonevent = server.onevent; server.onevent = function(packet) { const args = packet.data || []; if (server.listeners(args[0]).length) { sonevent.call(this, packet); } else { packet.data = ['*'].concat(args); sonevent.call(this, packet); } }; server.on('connect', () => { socket.on('*', (...args) => { server.emit( ...[args[0], userData && userData.serializable].concat( args.slice(1))); }); }); server.on('*', (...args) => { socket.emit(...args); }); server.on('disconnect', () => { socket.disconnect(); }); const onevent = socket.onevent; socket.onevent = function(packet) { const args = packet.data || []; rateLevel = updateRateLevel(args[0]); if (rateLevel > 1) return; if (socket.listenerCount(args[0])) { onevent.call(this, packet); } else { packet.data = ['*'].concat(args); onevent.call(this, packet); } }; socket.on('restore', (sess) => { if (restoreAttempt /* || currentSessions[sess]*/) { socket.emit('authorized', 'Restore Failed', null); // console.error(restoreAttempt, sess); return; } currentSessions[sess] = true; restoreAttempt = true; if (loginInfo[sess]) { session = sess; // Refresh the token if it has expired, or is close to expiring (within // 24 hours). if (loginInfo[session].expires_at - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 < Date.now()) { const info = loginInfo[session]; refreshToken(info.refresh_token, info.scope, (err, data) => { if (!err) { let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(data); self.log('Refreshed token'); } catch (err) { self.error( 'Failed to parse request from discord token refresh: ' + err); console.error('Parsing failed', sess); socket.emit('authorized', 'Restore Failed', null); return; } receivedLoginInfo(parsed); fetchIdentity(loginInfo[session], (identity) => { userData = identity; if (userData) { socket.emit('authorized', null, userData.serializable); self.common.logDebug('Authorized ' + userData.id, socket.id); } else { socket.emit('authorized', 'Getting user data failed', null); self.common.logWarning('Failed to authorize', socket.id); logout(); } }); } else { self.warn('Refreshing token failed'); console.error(err, loginInfo[session]); socket.emit('authorized', 'Restore Failed', null); } }); } else { fetchIdentity(loginInfo[session], (identity) => { userData = identity; if (userData) { socket.emit('authorized', null, userData.serializable); self.common.logDebug('Authorized ' + userData.id, socket.id); } else { socket.emit('authorized', 'Getting user data failed', null); self.common.logWarning('Failed to fetch identity', socket.id); logout(); } }); } } else { self.common.logWarning('Nothing to restore ' + sess, socket.id); socket.emit('authorized', 'Restore Failed', null); } }); socket.on('authorize', (code) => { currentSessions[session] = true; authorizeRequest(code, (err, res) => { if (err) { socket.emit('authorized', 'Failed to authorize', null); console.error(err); logout(); } else { receivedLoginInfo(JSON.parse(res)); fetchIdentity(loginInfo[session], (identity) => { userData = identity; socket.emit('authorized', null, userData && userData.serializable); if (userData) { self.common.logDebug('Authorized ' + userData.id, socket.id); } else { self.common.logWarning('Failed to authorize', socket.id); logout(); } }); } }); }); socket.on('logout', logout); socket.on('disconnect', () => { self.common.logDebug( 'Socket disconnected (' + (Object.keys(sockets).length - 1) + '): ' + ipName, socket.id); if (loginInfo[session]) clearTimeout(loginInfo[session].refreshTimeout); delete sockets[socket.id]; if (server) server.close(); }); /** * Cause the current user session to logout. * * @private */ function logout() { if (loginInfo[session]) { clearTimeout(loginInfo[session].refreshTimeout); const token = loginInfo[session].refresh_token; delete loginInfo[session]; revokeToken(token, (err) => { delete currentSessions[session]; if (err) { self.warn( 'Failed to revoke refresh token, but user has already ' + 'signed out: ' + err, socket.id); } }); } else { delete currentSessions[session]; } socket.disconnect(); } /** * Received the login credentials for user, lets store it for this * session, and refresh the tokens when necessary. * * @private * @param {object} data User data. */ function receivedLoginInfo(data) { if (data) { data.expires_at = data.expires_in * 1000 + Date.now(); data.expiration_date = Date.now() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); data.session = session; if (loginInfo[session] && loginInfo[session].refresh_token && !data.refresh_token) { self.debug( 'New oauth data does not contain refresh token, but loginInfo ' + 'still contains a refresh token.'); } loginInfo[session] = Object.assign(loginInfo[session] || {}, data); if (!loginInfo[session].refresh_token) { self.debug('loginInfo did not have a refresh token.'); } makeRefreshTimeout(loginInfo[session], receivedLoginInfo); } } /** * Check if this current connection or user is being rate limited. * * @see {@link rateLevel} * * Level 0: <75% of limit. * Level 1: >75% <100% * Level 2: >100% <125% * Level 3: >125% <200% * Level 4: >200% * * @private * @param {string} [cmd] The command being attempted. Otherwise uses global * rate limits. * @returns {number} Current rate level for the given command. */ function updateRateLevel(cmd) { const now = Date.now(); const group = rateLimits.commands[cmd] || 'global'; if (!rateHistory[group]) rateHistory[group] = 0; rateHistory[group]++; for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { const group = rateLimits.commands[history[i].cmd] || 'global'; const limits = rateLimits.groups[group] || rateLimits.groups['global']; if (now - history[i].time > limits.delta * 1000) { rateHistory[group]--; history.splice(i, 1); i--; } } history.push({time: now, cmd: cmd}); const limit = rateLimits.groups[group].num; const percent = rateHistory[group] / limit; if (percent <= 0.75) { return 0; } else if (percent <= 1) { socket.emit('rateLimit', { limit: limit, current: rateHistory[group], request: cmd, group: group, level: 1, }); return 1; } else if (percent <= 1.25) { socket.emit('rateLimit', { limit: limit, current: rateHistory[group], request: cmd, group: group, level: 2, }); return 2; } else if (percent <= 2) { return 3; } else { logout(); return 4; } } } /** * Fetches the identity of the user we have the token of. * * @private * @param {LoginInfo} loginInfo The credentials of the session user. * @param {singleCB} cb The callback storing the user's data, or null if * something went wrong. */ function fetchIdentity(loginInfo, cb) { apiRequest(loginInfo, '/users/@me', (err, data) => { if (!err) { const ud = WebUserData.from(JSON.parse(data)); ud.setSession(loginInfo.session, loginInfo.expiration_date); const now = dateFormat(new Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss'); const toSend = global.sqlCon.format( 'INSERT INTO Discord (id) values (?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ?', [ud.id, {lastLogin: now}]); global.sqlCon.query(toSend, (err) => err && self.error(err)); loginInfo.userId = ud.id; const afterPatreon = function() { if (loginInfo.scope && loginInfo.scope.indexOf('guilds') > -1) { fetchGuilds(loginInfo, (data) => { if (data) ud.setGuilds(data); cb(ud); }); } else { cb(ud); } }; if (!self.bot.patreon) { afterPatreon(); return; } self.bot.patreon.getAllPerms(ud.id, null, null, (err, info) => { if (err) { if (err !== 'User has not connected their Patreon account ' + 'to their Discord account.') { self.error(err); } loginInfo.isPatron = null; } else if (info && info.status) { loginInfo.isPatron = true; ud.patreonStatus = info.status; } else { loginInfo.isPatron = false; } ud.isPatron = loginInfo.isPatron; afterPatreon(); }); } else { cb(null); } }); } /** * Fetches the guild information of the user we have the token of. * * @private * @param {LoginInfo} loginInfo The credentials of the session user. * @param {singleCB} cb The callback storing the user's data, or null if * something went wrong. */ function fetchGuilds(loginInfo, cb) { apiRequest(loginInfo, '/users/@me/guilds', (err, data) => { if (!err) { const parsed = JSON.parse(data); cb(parsed); console.log(parsed.length); } else { cb(null); } }); } /** * Formats a request to the discord api at the given path. * * @private * @param {LoginInfo} loginInfo The credentials of the user we are sending the * request for. * @param {string} path The path for the api request to send. * @param {basicCallback} cb The response from the https request with error * and data arguments. */ function apiRequest(loginInfo, path, cb) { const reqId = `${loginInfo.userId}${path}`; if (reqCache[reqId]) { reqCache[reqId].push(cb); if (reqId) return; } else { reqCache[reqId] = [cb]; } const host = apiHost; host.path = `/api${path}`; host.headers = { 'Authorization': `${loginInfo.token_type} ${loginInfo.access_token}`, 'User-Agent': self.common.ua, }; discordRequest('', (err, res) => { const split = reqCache[reqId].splice(0); for (const it of split) { try { it(err, res); } catch (err) { self.error('Discord API request callback failed'); console.error(err); } } if (reqCache[reqId].length === 0) delete reqCache[reqId]; }, host); } /** * Send a https request to discord. * * @private * @param {?object|string} data The data to send in the request. * @param {basicCallback} cb Callback with error, and data arguments. * @param {?object} host Request object to override the default with. */ function discordRequest(data, cb, host) { host = host || tokenHost; const req = https.request(host, (response) => { let content = ''; response.on('data', (chunk) => content += chunk); response.on('end', () => { if (response.statusCode == 200) { cb(null, content); } else { self.error(response.statusCode + ': ' + content); console.error(host, data); cb(response.statusCode + ' from discord'); } }); }); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); if (data) { req.end(querystring.stringify(data)); } else { req.end(); } req.on('error', console.error); } /** * Refreshes the given token once it expires. * * @private * @param {LoginInfo} loginInfo The credentials to refresh. * @param {singleCB} cb The callback that is fired storing the new credentials * once they are refreshed. */ function makeRefreshTimeout(loginInfo, cb) { clearTimeout(loginInfo.refreshTimeout); const maxDelay = 2 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const delay = loginInfo.expires_at - Date.now(); if (delay > maxDelay) { loginInfo.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(function() { makeRefreshTimeout(loginInfo, cb); }, maxDelay); } else { loginInfo.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.debug('Refreshing token for session: ' + loginInfo.session); refreshToken(loginInfo.refresh_token, loginInfo.scope, (err, data) => { let parsed; if (!err) { try { parsed = JSON.parse(data); } catch (err) { self.error( 'Failed to parse request from discord token refresh: ' + err); } } cb(parsed); }); }, delay); } } /** * Request new credentials with refresh token from discord. * * @private * @param {string} refreshToken_ The refresh token used for refreshing * credentials. * @param {string} scope Scope to refresh. * @param {basicCallback} cb The callback from the https request, with an * error argument, and a data argument. */ function refreshToken(refreshToken_, scope, cb) { const data = { client_id: clientId, client_secret: clientSecret, grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken_, redirect_uri: 'https://www.spikeybot.com/redirect', scope: scope, }; discordRequest(data, cb); } /** * Revoke a current refresh token from discord. * * @private * @param {string} token The refresh token to revoke. * @param {basicCallback} cb The callback from the https request, with an * error argument, and a data argument. */ function revokeToken(token, cb) { const host = Object.assign({}, tokenHost); host.path += '/revoke'; const data = { client_id: clientId, client_secret: clientSecret, token_type_hint: 'refresh_token', token: token, }; discordRequest(data, cb, host); } /** * Authenticate with the discord server using a login code. * * @private * @param {string} code The login code received from our client. * @param {basicCallback} cb The response from the https request with error * and data arguments. */ function authorizeRequest(code, cb) { const data = { client_id: clientId, client_secret: clientSecret, grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: code, redirect_uri: 'https://www.spikeybot.com/redirect', }; discordRequest(data, cb); } } module.exports = new WebProxy();