// Copyright 2019-2020 Campbell Crowley. All rights reserved. // Author: Campbell Crowley (web@campbellcrowley.com) const http = require('http'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const socketIo = require('socket.io'); const Discord = require('discord.js'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const common = require('../common.js'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const usersFile = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../save/knownShards.json'); const historyFile = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../save/shardStatsHistory.json'); const configFile = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../config/shardMasterConfig.js'); const authFile = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../auth.js'); const shardDir = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../save/shards/'); const privKeyFile = `${shardDir}/shardMaster.priv`; const pubKeyFile = `${shardDir}/shardMaster.pub`; const botCWD = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../'); const signAlgorithm = 'RSA-SHA256'; const keyType = 'rsa'; const keyOptions = { modulusLength: 4096, publicKeyEncoding: {type: 'spki', format: 'pem'}, privateKeyEncoding: {type: 'pkcs8', format: 'pem'}, }; // TODO: Implement update command which will pull the latest version from github // across all shards, even if they are not currently in use. /** * @description The master that manages the shards below it. This is what * specifies how many shards may start, which shard has which ID, as well as * manages inter-shard communication. Shutdown, start, reboot, and update * commands may be issued to individual shards with updated information on how * they are expected to be configured. Shards are expected to communicate with * this master via websockets once they are ready to receive their role. * @class */ class ShardingMaster { /** * @description Start the webserver. * @param {number} [port=8024] Port to listen for shard connections. * @param {string} [address=''] Address to listen for shard * connections. * @param {string} [path='/socket.io/'] Path prefix to watch for socket * connections. */ constructor(port = 8024, address = '', path = '/socket.io/') { common.begin(false, true); common.connectSQL(); this._serverError = this._serverError.bind(this); this._socketConnection = this._socketConnection.bind(this); /** * @description The string representation of the private key used for * signing initial handshake to shard. * @see {@link ShardingMaster~_loadMasterKeys} * @private * @type {?string} * @default */ this._privKey = null; /** * @description The string representation of the public key used for signing * initial handshake to shard. * @see {@link ShardingMaster~_loadMasterKeys} * @private * @type {?string} * @default */ this._pubKey = null; /** * @description The timestamp the last time the recommended shard count was * requested. * @private * @type {number} * @default */ this._shardNumTimestamp = 0; /** * @description The number of shards recommended by Discord from our last * request. * @private * @type {number} * @default */ this._detectedNumShards = -1; /** * @description The currently known shards mapped by their name, containing * some information about them including their public key. * @private * @type {?object.<ShardInfo>} */ this._knownUsers = null; this._updateUsers(); fs.watchFile(usersFile, {persistent: false}, (curr, prev) => { if (this._usersIgnoreNext) { this._usersIgnoreNext = false; return; } if (prev.mtime < curr.mtime) this._updateUsers(); }); this._readStatsHistory(); /** * @description History for each known user of the received stats for * showing graphs and analysis. Mapped by user ID, then array in * chronological order. * @private * @type {object.<ShardStatus[]>} * @default */ this._usersStatsHistory = {}; /** * @description Toggle for when we write known users to file to not re-read * them again. * @private * @type {boolean} * @default */ this._usersIgnoreNext = false; /** * @description The current config for sharding. * @private * @type {?ShardMasterConfig} */ this._config = null; this._updateConfig(); fs.watchFile(configFile, {persistent: false}, (curr, prev) => { if (prev.mtime < curr.mtime) this._updateConfig(); }); /** * @description The current authentication information. * @private * @type {?object} */ this._auth = null; this._updateAuth(); fs.watchFile(authFile, {persistent: false}, (curr, prev) => { if (prev.mtime < curr.mtime) this._updateAuth(); }); this._loadMasterKeys(); /** * @description The timestamp at which the next heartbeat event is to fire. * @private * @type {number} * @default */ this._nextHeartbeatTime = Date.now(); /** * @description The timestamp at which the heartbeat interval loop was most * recently started. This is used when * {@link ShardingMaster.ShardMasterConfig.HeartbeatConfig~disperse} is * being used in order to only update one shard for each heartbeat event. * @private * @type {number} * @default */ this._heartbeatLoopStartTime = Date.now(); /** * @description Timeout for heartbeat interval loop. * @private * @type {?number} * @default */ this._hbTimeout = null; /** * @description Timeout used to prevent multiple calls to {@link _saveUsers} * within a short time. * @private * @type {?number} * @default */ this._userSaveTimeout = null; /** * @description Timeout used to prevent multiple calls to {@link * _writeStatsHistory} within a short time. * @private * @type {?number} * @default */ this._historySaveTimeout = null; /** * @description History of recent connections ordered by oldest to latest. * Each index contains an array of length 2, storing the IP address and the * timestamp of a connection attempt. This is used to start ignoring an IP * address if too many connection attempts are made within a short time. * @private * @type {Array.<Array.<string, number>>} * @default */ this._ipConnectHistory = []; /** * Map of all currently connected sockets mapped by socket.id. * * @private * @type {object.<Socket>} */ this._sockets = {}; /** * Map of the currently connected sockets for each shard, mapped by the * shard names. * * @private * @type {object.<Socket>} */ this._shardSockets = {}; /** * The socket that the master shard is currently connected on, or null if * disconnected. * * @private * @type {?Socket} */ this._masterShardSocket = null; /** * ID of the shard we last sent a heartbeat request to that has not been * resolved. This is only used for 'pull' style updating for debugging * heartbeats that don't get replies. * * @private * @type {?string} * @default */ this._hbWaitID = null; /** * Webserver instance. * * @private * @type {http.Server} */ this._app = http.createServer((...a) => this._handler(...a)); this._app.on('error', this._serverError); /** * Socket.io instance. * * @private * @type {socketIo.Server} */ this._io = socketIo(this._app, {path: path}); this._app.listen(port, address); this._io.on('connection', this._socketConnection); } /** * @description Check if key-pair exists for this master. If not, they will be * generated, and the newly generated keys will be used. * @private */ _loadMasterKeys() { fs.readFile(privKeyFile, (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { common.log('No keys have been generated yet. Generating some now.'); ShardingMaster.generateKeyPair((err, pub, priv) => { if (err) { common.error('Failed to generate keys.'); console.error(err); return; } this._pubKey = pub.toString(); this._privKey = priv.toString(); common.mkAndWrite( pubKeyFile, path.dirname(pubKeyFile), pub, (err) => { if (!err) { common.logDebug('Public key created successfully.'); } else { common.error('Failed to write public key to file!'); console.error(err); } }); common.mkAndWrite( privKeyFile, path.dirname(privKeyFile), priv, (err) => { if (err) { common.error('Failed to write private key to file!'); console.error(err); return; } fs.chmod(privKeyFile, 0o600, (err) => { if (err) { common.logWarning( 'Private key created, but unable to prevent others' + ' from reading the file. Please ensure only the ' + 'current user may read and write to: ' + privKeyFile); console.error(err); } else { common.logDebug('Private key created.'); } }); }); }); } else { common.error('Failed to read private key: ' + privKeyFile); console.error(err); } return; } if (!data || data.toString().indexOf('PRIVATE KEY') < 0) { common.error( 'Private key appears to be invalid, or does not conform to ' + 'expected configuration.'); return; } this._privKey = data.toString(); }); fs.readFile(pubKeyFile, (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { common.logWarning( 'Public key appears to be missing. If you wish to reset the ' + 'signing keys, remove the private key as well: ' + privKeyFile); } else { common.error('Failed to read public key: ' + pubKeyFile); console.error(err); } return; } if (!data || data.toString().indexOf('PUBLIC KEY') < 0) { common.error( 'Public key appears to be invalid, or does not conform to ' + 'expected configuration.'); return; } this._pubKey = data.toString(); }); } /** * @description Update known list of users and their associated keys. * @private */ _updateUsers() { const file = usersFile; common.readAndParse(file, (err, users) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { this._knownUsers = {}; common.logDebug(`No users to load ${file}`); this._refreshShardStatus(); } else { common.error(`Failed to read ${file}`); console.error(err); } return; } this._knownUsers = {}; const ids = []; for (const u in users) { if (!u || !users[u]) continue; ids.push(u); if (!this._usersStatsHistory[u]) this._usersStatsHistory[u] = []; this._knownUsers[u] = ShardingMaster.ShardInfo.from(users[u]); } common.logDebug(`Updated known users from file: ${ids.join(', ')}`); this._refreshShardStatus(); }); } /** * @description Write updated known list of users to disk. * @private * @param {boolean} [force=false] Force saving immediately. False otherwise * waits a moment for multiple calls, then saves once all calls have subsided. */ _saveUsers(force = false) { clearTimeout(this._userSaveTimeout); if (!force) { this._userSaveTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._saveUsers(true), 1000); return; } this._usersIgnoreNext = true; const file = usersFile; const dir = path.dirname(file); const serializable = {}; for (const prop in this._knownUsers) { if (!this._knownUsers[prop]) continue; serializable[prop] = this._knownUsers[prop].serializable; } let str; try { str = JSON.stringify(serializable); } catch (err) { common.error(`Failed to stringify known users file: ${file}`); console.error(err); return; } common.mkAndWrite(file, dir, str, (err) => { if (!err) return; common.error(`Failed to save known users to file: ${file}`); console.error(err); }); } /** * @description Read stats history from save file on disk. * @private */ _readStatsHistory() { const file = historyFile; common.readAndParse(file, (err, parsed) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return; common.logWarning('Failed to read stats history from file: ' + file); console.error(err); return; } for (const u in parsed) { if (!parsed[u] || !Array.isArray(parsed[u])) continue; this._usersStatsHistory[u] = parsed[u]; } }); } /** * @description Write current stats history to file. * @private * @param {boolean} [force=false] Force saving immediately. False otherwise * waits a moment for multiple calls, then saves once all calls have subsided. */ _writeStatsHistory(force = false) { clearTimeout(this._historySaveTimeout); if (!force) { this._historySaveTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._writeStatsHistory(true), 3000); return; } const file = historyFile; common.mkAndWrite(file, null, this._usersStatsHistory, (err) => { if (!err) return; common.error(`Failed to save stats history to file: ${file}`); console.error(err); }); } /** * @description Update the configuration from file. * @private */ _updateConfig() { const file = configFile; delete require.cache[require.resolve(file)]; try { const ShardMasterConfig = require(file); this._config = new ShardMasterConfig(); common.logDebug(`Loaded ${file}`); this._refreshShardStatus(); } catch (err) { common.error(`Failed to parse ${file}`); console.error(err); } } /** * @description Update the authentication tokens from file. * @private */ _updateAuth() { const file = authFile; delete require.cache[require.resolve(file)]; try { this._auth = require(file); common.logDebug(`Loaded ${file}`); this._refreshShardStatus(); } catch (err) { common.error(`Failed to parse ${file}`); console.error(err); } } /** * @description The config was changed or may differ from the current setup, * attempt to make changes to match the current setup the requested * configuration. * @private */ _refreshShardStatus() { this._setHBTimeout(); if (!this._knownUsers) return; const now = Date.now(); if (now < this._nextHeartbeatTime) return; // Total running shards. let goal = this.getGoalShardCount(); if (goal < 0) { clearTimeout(this._hbTimeout); this._hbTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._refreshShardStatus(), 5000); common.logDebug('Attempting to fetch shard count again in 5 seconds.'); return; } // Currently available shards we can control. const current = this.getCurrentShardCount(); // Total number of shards that should become available. const known = this.getKnownShardCount(); // Total number of shards that have ever been connected successfully. const registered = this.getRegisteredShardCount(); // Array of references to ShardInfo running with same goal count. const correct = this._getCurrentConfigured(goal); // Array of references to ShardInfo for each shard not configured correctly. const incorrect = this._getCurrentUnconfigured(goal); // The missing shard IDs that need to exist. const newIds = this._getCurrentUnboundIds(goal); const master = this._getMasterUser(); // Array of shards transitioning from "incorrect" to "correct". const configuring = []; if (goal > known) { this.generateShardConfig(); } if (goal > registered) { goal = registered; } if (!master) { this.generateShardConfig(true); } if (goal > current) { common.logWarning( `${goal} shards are queued to startup but only ${current}` + ' shards are available!'); } // const corList = // correct.map((el) => // `${el.id}(${el.goalShardId}/${el.goalShardCount})`) // .join(', '); // common.logDebug(`Correct: ${corList}`); // const incorList = // incorrect // .map((el) => `${el.id}(${el.goalShardId}/${el.goalShardCount})`) // .join(', '); // common.logDebug(`Incorrect: ${incorList}`); // const unboundList = newIds.join(', '); // common.logDebug(`Unbound: ${unboundList}`); const hbConf = this._config.heartbeat; const foundIds = []; correct.sort((a, b) => b.bootTime - a.bootTime); for (let i = 0; i < correct.length; ++i) { const el = correct[i]; if (now - el.lastHeartbeat > hbConf.requestRebootAfter && now - el.lastHeartbeat < hbConf.expectRebootAfter && el.currentShardId >= 0) { common.logWarning( 'Shard has not responded for too long, enqueuing shutdown: ' + el.id + ' ' + el.goalShardId); const s = correct.splice(i, 1)[0]; i--; configuring.push(s); s.stopTime = now; s.goalShardId = -1; s.goalShardCount = -1; continue; } const match = foundIds.find( (f) => f.shardId === el.goalShardId && f.count === el.goalShardCount); if (match) { common.logWarning( 'Found multiple shards configured the same way! ' + 'Enqueuing shutdown request: ' + el.id + ' ' + el.goalShardId); const s = correct.splice(i, 1)[0]; i--; configuring.push(s); s.stopTime = now; s.goalShardId = -1; s.goalShardCount = -1; } else { foundIds.push({ shardId: el.goalShardId, count: el.goalShardCount, }); if (el.goalShardId != el.currentShardId || el.goalShardCount != el.currentShardCount) { configuring.push(el); } } } newIds.forEach((el) => { if (incorrect.length <= 0) return; const s = incorrect.splice(0, 1)[0]; configuring.push(s); s.bootTime = now; s.goalShardId = el; s.goalShardCount = goal; }); if (master && master.goalShardId < 0) { configuring.push(master); master.goalShardId = 1000; // I think this is big enough for a while. master.goalShardCount = goal; } this._saveUsers(); // Send all shutdown requests asap, as they do not have their own // timeslot. for (let i = 0; i < configuring.length; ++i) { if (configuring[i].goalShardId >= 0) continue; this._sendHeartbeatRequest(configuring[i]); configuring.splice(i, 1); i--; } if (now - hbConf.interval > this._heartbeatLoopStartTime) { this._heartbeatLoopStartTime += hbConf.interval; } if (hbConf.updateStyle === 'pull') { if (hbConf.disperse) { const updateId = Math.floor( ((now - this._heartbeatLoopStartTime) / hbConf.interval) * (goal + 1)); const delta = Math.floor(hbConf.interval / (goal + 1)); this._nextHeartbeatTime += delta; if (updateId >= goal) { this._sendHeartbeatRequest(master); } else { this._sendHeartbeatRequest(updateId); } } else { this._nextHeartbeatTime += hbConf.interval; Object.keys(this._knownUsers).forEach((el) => { if (el.goalShardId < 0) return; this._sendHeartbeatRequest(el); }); this._sendHeartbeatRequest(this._getMasterUser()); } } else { this._nextHeartbeatTime += hbConf.interval; } this._setHBTimeout(); } /** * @description Reset the heartbeat timeout interval for refreshing shard * statuses. * @private */ _setHBTimeout() { if (this._hbTimeout) clearTimeout(this._hbTimeout); let delta = this._nextHeartbeatTime - Date.now(); if (delta < -1000 || isNaN(delta)) delta = 5000; this._hbTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._refreshShardStatus(), delta); } /** * @description Fetch the current goal number of shards we are attempting to * keep alive. Returns -1 if goal has not been set yet, or is otherwise * unavailable. * @public * @returns {number} The number of shards we are attempting to create, -1 if * the value is otherwise unknown. */ getGoalShardCount() { const now = Date.now(); if (this._config.autoDetectNumShards) { this._config.numShards = this._detectedNumShards; if (now - this._config.autoDetectInterval > this._shardNumTimestamp) { if (!this._auth) return this._config.numShards; const token = this._auth[this._config.botName]; if (!token) { if (this._auth) { common.logWarning( 'Unable to fetch shard count due to no bot token. "' + this._config.botName + '"'); } return this._config.numShards; } this._shardNumTimestamp = now; Discord.Util.fetchRecommendedShards(token) .then((num) => { const updated = this._detectedNumShards !== num; if (updated) { common.logDebug( 'Shard count changed from ' + this._detectedNumShards + ' to ' + num); this._detectedNumShards = num; this._refreshShardStatus(); } }) .catch((err) => { common.error( 'Unable to fetch shard count due to failed request.'); console.error(err); }); } } return this._config.numShards; } /** * @description Fetches the current number of shards connected to us that we * are controlling. * @public * @returns {number} The current number of shards we are controlling. */ getCurrentShardCount() { if (!this._shardSockets) return 0; return Object.keys(this._shardSockets).length; } /** * @description Fetches the current number of shards that we know about and * may talk to us. * @public * @returns {number} The number of shards allowed to startup. */ getKnownShardCount() { if (!this._knownUsers) return 0; return Object.values(this._knownUsers).filter((el) => !el.isMaster).length; } /** * @description Fetches the number of shards that have ever successfully * connected to us. * @public * @returns {number} The number of shards we will probably be startable. */ getRegisteredShardCount() { if (!this._knownUsers) return 0; return Object.values(this._knownUsers) .filter((el) => !el.isMaster && el.lastSeen) .length; } /** * @description Fetches the current number of shards that are configured for * the goal number of shards. * @public * @param {number} [goal] The goal number of shards. If not specified, {@link * getGoalShardCount} will be used. * @returns {number} The number of shards configured. */ getCurrentConfiguredCount(goal) { return this._getCurrentConfigured(goal).length; } /** * @description Get references to all shards currently configured for the * given goal number of shards, and are connected and controllable. * @private * @param {number} [goal] The goal number of shards. If not specified, {@link * getGoalShardCount} will be used. * @returns {ShardInfo[]} Array of the shards that are configured correctly * and don't need updating. */ _getCurrentConfigured(goal) { if (!this._knownUsers) return []; if (typeof goal !== 'number' || goal < 0) { goal = this.getGoalShardCount(); } const now = Date.now(); return Object.values(this._knownUsers) .filter( (el) => !el.isMaster && el.goalShardCount === goal && el.lastHeartbeat > now - this._config.heartbeat.assumeDeadAfter); } /** * @description Get references to all shards currently NOT configured for the * given goal number of shards, but ARE connected and controllable. * @private * @param {number} [goal] The goal number of shards. If not specified, {@link * getGoalShardCount} will be used. * @returns {ShardInfo[]} Array of the shards that are NOT configured * correctly and DO need updating. */ _getCurrentUnconfigured(goal) { if (!this._knownUsers) return []; if (typeof goal !== 'number' || goal < 0) { goal = this.getGoalShardCount(); } const now = Date.now(); return Object.values(this._knownUsers) .filter( (el) => !el.isMaster && el.goalShardCount !== goal && el.lastSeen > now - this._config.heartbeat.assumeDeadAfter); } /** * @description Get list of IDs for shards that do not exist, but need to. * @private * @param {number} [goal] The goal number of shards. If not specified, {@link * getGoalShardCount} will be used. * @returns {number[]} Array of the shard IDs that need to be configured. */ _getCurrentUnboundIds(goal) { if (!this._knownUsers) return []; if (typeof goal !== 'number' || goal < 0) { goal = this.getGoalShardCount(); } if (goal < 0) return []; const ids = [...Array(goal).keys()]; Object.values(this._knownUsers).forEach((el) => { if (el.isMaster) return; if (el.goalShardCount === goal) { const index = ids.indexOf(el.goalShardId); if (index >= 0) { ids.splice(index, 1); } else { common.error( 'Failed to remove shard ID from list. Are multiple shards using' + ' the same ID? (' + el.goalShardId + ')'); } } }); return ids; } /** * @description Get a reference to a ShardInfo object using its shard ID. * @private * @param {number} shardId The shard ID used by Discord. * @returns {?ShardInfo} The matched shard info, or null if it couldn't be * found. */ _getShardById(shardId) { if (!this._knownUsers) return null; return Object.values(this._knownUsers) .find((el) => !el.isMaster && el.goalShardId === shardId); } /** * @description Get the master shard from the known users. Assumes only one * master exists. * @private * @returns {?ShardInfo} The matched shard info, or null if it couldn't be * found. */ _getMasterUser() { if (!this._knownUsers) return null; return Object.values(this._knownUsers).find((el) => el.isMaster); } /** * Handler for all http requests. This may get used in the future for API * requests. Currently unused and always replies with a "501 Not Implemented" * response. * * @private * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The client's request. * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Our response to the client. */ _handler(req, res) { const regex = '^\\/(?<domain>www\\.spikeybot\\.com)' + '(?<path>\\/(?:dev\\/)?[^#?]*)' + '[^#?]*(?<query>\\?[^#]*)?' + '(?<hash>#.*)?$'; const match = req.url.match(regex); const path = match && match.groups && match.groups.path.replace(/^\/dev/, ''); const queries = req.headers.queries && Object.fromEntries( req.headers.queries.split('&').map((el) => el.split('='))) || {}; const now = Date.now(); if (req.method === 'GET' && path === '/api/public/shard-status-history') { console.log(queries); const obj = {ids: Object.keys(this._usersStatsHistory)}; if (queries.id) { queries.id.split(',').forEach((el) => { if (!this._usersStatsHistory[el]) return; if (queries.since) { obj[el] = this._usersStatsHistory[el].filter( (row) => row.timestamp > queries.since); } else { obj[el] = this._usersStatsHistory[el].filter( (row) => row.timestamp > now - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } }); } const stringified = JSON.stringify(obj); let comp = ''; const finalSend = function(err, buffer) { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to prepare (${encoding}): shard-status-history`); console.error(err); res.statusCode = 500; res.end('500: Internal Server Error.'); } else { if (comp) res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', comp); if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) buffer = Buffer.from(buffer); res.setHeader('Content-Length', buffer.byteLength); res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); res.writeHead(200); res.end(buffer); } }; const encoding = req.headers['accept-encoding'] || ''; if (/\bgzip\b/.test(encoding)) { comp = 'gzip'; zlib.gzip(stringified, finalSend); } else if (/\bdeflate\b/.test(encoding)) { comp = 'deflate'; zlib.deflate(stringified, finalSend); } else { finalSend(null, stringified); } } else { res.writeHead(404); res.end(req.method === 'GET' ? '404: Not Found' : undefined); } } /** * Returns the number of connected clients. * * @public * @returns {number} Number of sockets. */ getNumClients() { return Object.keys(this._sockets).length; } /** * Handler for a new socket connecting. * * @private * @this {ShardingMaster} * @param {socketIo~Socket} socket The socket.io socket that connected. */ _socketConnection(socket) { const now = Date.now(); // x-forwarded-for is trusted because the last process this jumps through is // our local proxy. const ipName = common.getIPName( socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || socket.handshake.address); this._ipConnectHistory.push([ipName, now]); let remove = 0; let ipCount = 0; let i = 0; while (ipCount < this._config.connCount && i < this._ipConnectHistory.length) { if (now - this._ipConnectHistory[i][1] >= this._config.connTime) { remove = i + 1; } else if (ipName === this._ipConnectHistory[i][0]) { ipCount++; } ++i; } if (remove > 0) this._ipConnectHistory.splice(0, remove); if (ipCount >= this._config.connCount) { socket.disconnect(true); return; } common.log( `Socket connected (${this.getNumClients()}): ${ipName.trim()} (#${ ipCount}/${this._config.connCount})`, socket.id); this._sockets[socket.id] = socket; socket.on('disconnect', (reason) => { const num = this.getNumClients() - 1; const id = socket.userId || userId; common.log( `Socket disconnected (${num})(${reason})(${id}): ${ipName.trim()}`, socket.id); delete this._sockets[socket.id]; if (id && this._shardSockets[id] && this._shardSockets[id].id == socket.id) { delete this._shardSockets[id]; } if (socket.isMasterShard) this._masterShardSocket = null; }); const shardAuth = socket.handshake.headers['authorization']; if (!shardAuth) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection without authorization header.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } const [userId, userSig, timestamp] = shardAuth.split(','); if (!userId || !userSig || !(timestamp * 1)) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection with invalid authorization header.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } if (!this._knownUsers) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection before known users were loaded.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } if (!this._knownUsers[userId]) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection with invalid user ID: ' + userId, socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } if (this._shardSockets[userId]) { common.logWarning( 'Socket attempted connection ID of shard that is already connected!', socket.id); // This no longer focibly disconnects because in some cases the client // would attempt to reconnect before the server had identified that the // connection was lost. In these cases we want the new connection to // replace the old. // // socket.disconnect(true); // return; } if (Math.abs(timestamp - now) > this._config.tsPrecision) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection with invalid timestamp header.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } if (!this._privKey) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection prior to us loading private key.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } const user = this._knownUsers[userId]; if (!user.key) { common.logWarning('User does not have a known public key! ' + userId); console.log(user); socket.disconnect(true); return; } const verifData = `${userId}${timestamp}`; const verify = crypto.createVerify(signAlgorithm); verify.update(verifData); verify.end(); let ver = false; try { ver = verify.verify(user.key, userSig, 'base64'); } catch (err) { common.error('Failed to attempt to verify signature.'); console.error(verifData, user.key, userSig); } if (!ver) { common.logDebug( 'Socket attempted connection but we failed to verify signature.', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } user.lastSeen = now; user.lastHeartbeat = user.lastSeen; socket.userId = userId; if (user.isMaster && this._masterShardSocket) { common.logWarning( 'Socket attempted connection as a master shard while another master' + ' is already connected!', socket.id); socket.disconnect(true); return; } const sign = crypto.createSign(signAlgorithm); const signData = `Look at me, I'm the captain now. ${now}`; sign.update(signData); sign.end(); const masterSig = sign.sign(this._privKey, 'base64'); socket.emit('masterVerification', masterSig, signData); if (user.isMaster) { socket.isMasterShard = true; this._masterShardSocket = socket; } else { socket.isMasterShard = false; this._shardSockets[userId] = socket; } this._refreshShardStatus(); socket.on('status', (status) => { const now = Date.now(); user.lastSeen = now; if (userId === this._hbWaitID) this._hbWaitID = null; try { // console.log(userId, ':', status); status = ShardingMaster.ShardStatus.from(status); } catch (err) { common.error( `Failed to parse shard status from shard ${userId}`, socket.id); console.error(err); return; } if (!user.stats) user.stats = new ShardingMaster.ShardStatus(userId); if (status.id && status.id !== userId) { common.logWarning( 'User changed ID after handshake! This will be ignored, but ' + 'should not happen! ' + userId + ' --> ' + status.id); } user.stats.update(status); if (user.stats.goalShardId != user.goalShardId) { common.logWarning( 'Shard goal state is incorrect! ' + user.id + ' Received: ' + user.stats.goalShardId + ', expected: ' + user.goalShardId); } if (this._config.heartbeat.useMessageStats) { if (user.stats.messageCountDelta > 0) { user.lastHeartbeat = user.lastSeen; } } else { user.lastHeartbeat = user.lastSeen; } // const d = user.lastSeen - user.lastHeartbeat; // common.logDebug( // `${userId} updated status. (${status.messageCountDelta}, ${d})`, // socket.id); // common.logDebug(`${userId} updated status. (${JSON.stringify(user)})`); user.currentShardId = user.stats.currentShardId; user.currentShardCount = user.stats.currentShardCount; if (this._config.heartbeat.updateStyle === 'push') { this._sendHeartbeatRequest(user); } this._usersStatsHistory[userId].push(user.stats); while (now - this._usersStatsHistory[userId][0].timestamp > this._config.heartbeat.historyLength) { this._usersStatsHistory[userId].splice(0, 1); } this._saveUsers(); this._writeStatsHistory(); this._refreshShardStatus(); }); socket.on('broadcastEval', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this.broadcastEvalToShards(...args); }); socket.on('respawnAll', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this.respawnAll(...args); }); socket.on('sendSQL', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this.sendSQL(...args); }); socket.on('reboot', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this.rebootRequest(...args); }); socket.on('writeFile', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this.writeFile(...args); }); socket.on('getFile', (...args) => { user.lastSeen = Date.now(); this._sendSlaveFile(socket, ...args); }); if (this._config.copyFiles) { this._config.copyFiles.forEach((el) => { fs.readFile(el, (err, data) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to read file to send to slaves: ${el}`); console.error(err); return; } socket.emit('writeFile', el, data, () => {}); }); }); } } /** * @description Broadcast a message to all connected shards, except for the * master. * @public * @param {string} script Text for each shard to evaluate. * @param {Function} cb Callback once all shards have replied. First argument * is optional error message, second will be an array of responses, indexed by * shard ID. */ broadcastEvalToShards(script, cb) { const sockets = Object.entries(this._shardSockets); const registered = this.getRegisteredShardCount(); const goal = this.getGoalShardCount(); const num = Math.min(registered, goal); if (num <= 0) { cb('No Shards'); return; } const out = new Array(num); let numDone = 0; let numSent = 0; let err = null; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { err = 'Master timeout exceeded'; done(); }, 15000); /** * @description Fired for each completed response from a shard. Fires the * callback once all responses have been received, or an error has been * raised. * @private */ function done() { /* if (err && numDone <= num) { clearTimeout(timeout); cb(err); numDone = num + 1; } else if (numDone == numSent) { clearTimeout(timeout); cb(null, out); } */ if (numDone == numSent) { if (err) { common.error(`BROADCAST EVAL FAILED: ${script}`); console.error(err, out); } clearTimeout(timeout); cb(err, out); } } let dbg = ''; sockets.forEach((ent) => { const user = this._knownUsers[ent[0]]; const id = user.goalShardId; if (id < 0 || user.isMaster || !user.lastSeen) { dbg += `${id}${ent[0]}: NO, `; done(); return; } dbg += `${id}${ent[0]}: YES, `; numSent++; ent[1].emit('evalRequest', script, (error, res) => { numDone++; if (error) { err = this._makeSerializableError(error); } out[id] = res; done(); }); }); if (numSent != num) { err = `Not all shards connected to master. (${numSent}/${num})`; done(); console.log(dbg); } if (script.startsWith('this.runBotUpdate(')) this._runBotUpdate(); } /** * @description Fetch the latest bot version from GitHub. * @private */ _runBotUpdate() { common.log( `Triggered update: ${__dirname} <-- DIR | CWD -->${process.cwd()}`); require('child_process').exec('npm run update', (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (!err) { if (stdout && stdout !== 'null') console.log('STDOUT:', stdout); if (stderr && stderr !== 'null') console.error('STDERR:', stderr); } else { common.error('Failed to pull latest update.'); console.error(err); if (stdout && stdout !== 'null') console.log('STDOUT:', stdout); if (stderr && stderr !== 'null') console.error('STDERR:', stderr); } }); } /** * @description Kills all running shards and respawns them. * @param {Function} [cb] Callback once all shards have been rebooted or an * error has occurred. */ respawnAll(cb) { const list = Object.values(this._knownUsers); let i = 0; list.forEach((info) => { if (info.goalShardId < 0 || info.goalShardId !== info.currentShardId) { return; } const socket = this._shardSockets[info.id]; if (socket) { socket.emit('respawn', i * this._config.respawnDelay); } else { common.logWarning( 'Unable to respawn shard #' + info.goalShardId + ' ' + info.id + ' due to socket disconnect.'); // TODO: Resend this request once reconnected instead of failing. } i++; }); cb(); } /** * @description Send an SQL query to our database. * @public * @param {string} query The query to send to database. * @param {Function} cb First argument is optional error, otherwise query * response. */ sendSQL(query, cb) { if (!global.sqlCon) { cb('No Database Connection'); return; } global.sqlCon.query(query, (err, ...args) => { if (err && (err.fatal || err.code === 'PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR')) { common.connectSQL(true); } cb(this._makeSerializableError(err), ...args); }); } /** * @description Send the specified file to the ShardingSlave. * * @private * @param {Socket|number|ShardingMaster.ShardInfo} socket Socket.io socket to * send file to, or shard info to find socket from. * @param {string|object.<string>} req Filename relative to project directory, * or object with both filename and last modified time. * @param {Function} cb Callback with optional error argument. */ _sendSlaveFile(socket, req, cb) { if (typeof socket === 'number' && !isNaN(socket)) { const shardInfo = this._getShardById(socket); if (!shardInfo || !shardInfo.id) { cb('Unknown Destination'); return; } socket = shardInfo.isMaster ? this._masterShardSocket : this._shardSockets[shardInfo.id]; } else if (!socket.emit) { socket = socket.isMaster ? this._masterShardSocket : this._shardSockets[socket.id]; } if (!socket || typeof socket.emit !== 'function') { cb('Unknown Destination'); return; } const filename = req.filename || req; const file = path.resolve(`${botCWD}/${filename}`); if (typeof filename != 'string' || !file.startsWith(botCWD)) { common.error( `Attempted to send file outside of project directory: ${file}`); cb('File path unacceptable'); return; } fs.stat(filename, (err, stats) => { // Send original filename, as ShardingSlave expects the same format. const res = {filename: filename, mtime: 1}; if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { socket.emit('writeFile', res, null, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to unlink file on slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to write'); } else { cb(null); } }); } else { common.error(`Failed to stat file for slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to stat'); } return; } const mtime = stats.mtime.getTime(); res.mtime = mtime; if (req.mtime && mtime < req.mtime) { socket.emit('writeFile', res, null, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to process read ignore on slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to skip write on slave'); } else { cb(null); } }); return; } fs.readFile(filename, (err, data) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { socket.emit('writeFile', res, null, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to unlink file on slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to write'); } else { cb(null); } }); } else { common.error(`Failed to read file for slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to read'); } } else { socket.emit('writeFile', res, data, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to write file on slave: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('Failed to write'); } else { cb(null); } }); } }); }); } /** * @description Write a given file to disk, or unlink. * @public * @param {string} filename The name of the file to update, relative to * project directory. * @param {?*} data The data to write to file, or null to unlink the file. * @param {Function} cb First argument is optional error. */ writeFile(filename, data, cb) { const file = path.resolve(`${botCWD}/${filename}`); if (typeof filename != 'string' || !file.startsWith(botCWD)) { this.error( `Attempted to write file outside of project directory: ${file}`); cb('File path unacceptable'); return; } if (data === null) { common.unlink(file, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to write file to disk: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('IO Failed'); } else { // common.logDebug(`Wrote file to disk: ${file}`); cb(null); } }); } else { common.mkAndWrite(file, null, data, (err) => { if (err) { common.error(`Failed to write file to disk: ${file}`); console.error(err); cb('IO Failed'); } else { // common.logDebug(`Wrote file to disk: ${file}`); cb(null); } }); } } /** * @description A reboot of some form has been requested. Parse, and comply. * @public * @param {string} msg The reboot command. */ rebootRequest(msg) { const list = Object.values(this._knownUsers); if (msg === 'reboot master') { common.logWarning('Rebooting ShardingMaster...'); process.exit(-1); } else if (msg === 'reboot hard' || msg === 'reboot hard force') { common.logWarning('TRIGGERED HARD REBOOT!'); list.forEach((s) => { if (s.goalShardId === -2) return; const g = s.goalShardId; s.goalShardId = -2; this._sendHeartbeatRequest(s); s.goalShardId = g; }); process.exit(-1); } else if (typeof msg === 'string' && msg.startsWith('reboot')) { const idList = msg.match(/\b\d+\b/g); const force = msg.indexOf('force') > -1; const strList = (idList || ['all']).join(','); common.log(`Rebooting shards: ${strList}${force?' force':''}`); list.forEach((s) => { if (s.goalShardId < 0) return; if (!idList || idList.includes(`${s.goalShardId}`)) { const g = s.goalShardId; s.goalShardId = force ? -2 : -1; this._sendHeartbeatRequest(s); s.goalShardId = g; } }); } else { common.error('Malformed reboot request received!'); console.log(msg); } } /** * @description Generates a key pair using configured settings for either the * master or its shards. The settings used cannot differ between any parties * involved, otherwise all keys must be changed. * * {@link * https://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html#crypto_crypto_generatekeypair_type_options_callback}. * * @public * @static * @param {Function} cb Callback with optional error, then public key, then * private key. */ static generateKeyPair(cb) { crypto.generateKeyPair(keyType, keyOptions, cb); } /** * @description Generate a unique name for a new shard. * @private * @returns {string} New unique shard name. */ _generateShardName() { const alp = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; const len = 3; let out; do { out = ''; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { out += alp[Math.floor(Math.random() * alp.length)]; } } while (this._knownUsers[out]); return out; } /** * @description Creates a configuration for a new shard. This config contains * the shard's key-pair, name, and the host information to find this * master. This file will be saved directly to disk, as well as emailed to * sysadmins. * @public * @param {boolean} [isMaster=false] Is this config for a master shard. */ generateShardConfig(isMaster = false) { const made = new ShardingMaster.ShardInfo(this._generateShardName()); this._knownUsers[made.id] = made; if (isMaster) made.isMaster = true; ShardingMaster.generateKeyPair((err, pub, priv) => { if (err) { delete this._knownUsers[made.id]; common.error('Failed to generate key-pair!'); console.error(err); ShardingMaster._sendShardCreateFailEmail( this._config.mail, 'Failed to generate key-pair!', err); return; } made.key = pub; const config = { host: (isMaster && this._config.masterHost) || this._config.remoteHost, pubKey: pub, privKey: priv, masterPubKey: this._pubKey, id: made.id, signAlgorithm: signAlgorithm, }; const dir = shardDir; const file = `${shardDir}/shard_${made.id}_config.json`; const str = JSON.stringify(config, null, 2); common.mkAndWrite(file, dir, str, (err) => { if (err) { common.error('Failed to save new shard config to disk: ' + file); console.error(err); delete this._knownUsers[made.id]; ShardingMaster._sendShardCreateFailEmail( this._config.mail, 'Failed to save new shard config to disk: ' + file, err); } else { ShardingMaster._sendShardCreateEmail(this._config.mail, file, made); this._saveUsers(); } }); }); } /** * @description Send the newly created config to sysadmins. * @private * @static * @param {ShardingMaster.ShardMasterConfig.MailConfig} conf Mail config * object. * @param {string} filename The path to the file of the shard's configuration * to send to sysadmins. * @param {ShardingMaster.ShardInfo} [info] Shard info of created shard for * additional information to sysadmins. */ static _sendShardCreateEmail(conf, filename, info) { if (!conf.enabled) return; const str = conf.shardConfigCreateMessage.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, (m, one) => { switch (one) { case 'date': return new Date().toString(); case 'id': return info && info.id || one; case 'pubkey': return info && info.key || one; default: return one; } }); const args = conf.args.map((el) => { if (el === '%ATTACHMENT%') return filename; return el; }); ShardingMaster._sendEmail(conf.command, args, conf.spawnOpts, str); } /** * @description Send an email to sysadmins alerting them that a new shard must * be created, but we were unable to for some reason. * @private * @static * @param {ShardingMaster.ShardMasterConfig.MailConfig} conf Mail config * object. * @param {...Error|string} [errs] The error generated with information as to * why creation failed. */ static _sendShardCreateFailEmail(conf, ...errs) { if (!conf.enabled) return; const str = conf.shardConfigCreateFailMessage.replace(/{\w+}/g, (m) => { switch (m) { case 'date': return new Date().toString(); case 'errors': return errs.map((err) => { if (err instanceof Error) { return `${err.code}: ${err.message}\n${err.stack}`; } else if (typeof err === 'string') { return err; } else { return JSON.stringify(err, null, 2); } }).join('\n\n===== ERROR SPLIT =====\n\n'); default: return m; } }); ShardingMaster._sendEmail(conf.command, conf.failArgs, conf.spawnOpts, str); } /** * @description Sends an email given the raw inputs. * @private * @static * @param {string} cmd The command to run to start the mail process. * @param {string[]} args The arguments to pass. * @param {object} opts Options to pass to spawn. * @param {string} stdin The data to write to stdin of the process. */ static _sendEmail(cmd, args, opts, stdin) { const proc = spawn(cmd, args, opts); proc.on('error', (err) => { common.error('Failed to spawn mail process.'); console.error(err); }); proc.stderr.on('data', (data) => { common.logWarning(`Mail: ${data.toString()}`); }); proc.stdout.on('data', (data) => { common.logDebug(`Mail: ${data.toString()}`); }); proc.on('close', (code) => { common.logDebug('Send email. Exited with ' + code); }); if (stdin && stdin.length > 0) { proc.stdin.write(stdin); proc.stdin.end(); } } /** * @description Format and send the request for a shard heartbeat. * @private * @param {number|ShardingMaster.ShardInfo} user Either the goal shard ID, or * the shard user information. */ _sendHeartbeatRequest(user) { let updating; if (typeof user === 'number' && !isNaN(user)) { updating = this._getShardById(user); } else { updating = user; } if (!updating || !updating.id) { const num = typeof user === 'number' ? user : (user && user.goalShardId); common.error('Unable to find user for HB with goal shard ID: ' + num); return; } const socket = updating.isMaster ? this._masterShardSocket : this._shardSockets[updating.id]; if (!socket) { common.logWarning( 'Failed to send request for heartbeat to shard ' + updating.id + (updating.isMaster ? ' MASTER' : '')); } else { const req = updating.request(); req.config = { botName: this._config.botName, nodeArgs: this._config.shardNodeLaunchArgs, botArgs: this._config.shardBotLaunchArgs, heartbeat: { updateStyle: this._config.heartbeat.updateStyle, interval: this._config.heartbeat.interval, expectRebootAfter: this._config.heartbeat.expectRebootAfter, assumeDeadAfter: this._config.heartbeat.assumeDeadAfter, useMessageStats: this._config.heartbeat.useMessageStats, }, }; socket.emit('update', req); // common.logDebug('Sent heartbeat request to ' + updating.id); if (this._hbWaitID) { common.logWarning( `${this._hbWaitID} did not reply to heartbeat request!`); } this._hbWaitID = updating.id; } } /** * @description We received a file from a shard that it intends for us to * write to disk at the given filename relative to the project root. * * @private * @param {string} filename Filename relative to project directory. * @param {string|Buffer} data The data to write to the file. */ _receiveFile(filename, data) { const file = path.resolve(`${botCWD}${filename}`); if (!file.startsWith(botCWD)) { this.logWarning('Shard sent file outside of project directory: ' + file); return; } common.mkAndWrite(file, null, data, (err) => { if (err) { this.error(`Failed to write file from shard to disk: ${file}`); console.error(err); } else { this.logDebug(`Wrote file from shard to disk: ${file}`); } }); } /** * @description Shard has requested one of our files. * * @private * @param {string} filename Filename relative to project directory. * @param {Function} cb Callback to send the error or file back on. */ _sendFile(filename, cb) { const file = path.resolve(`${botCWD}${filename}`); if (!file.startsWith(botCWD)) { this.logWarning( 'Shard requested file outside of project directory: ' + file); cb(null); return; } fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => { if (err) { this.error('Failed to read file that shard requested disk: ' + file); console.error(err); cb(null); } else { this.logDebug('Sending file to shard from disk: ' + file); cb(data); } }); } /** * @description Convert an Error object into a serializable object format that * can be send easily over a socket. * @private * @param {?Error|string} err The error to make into a basic object. If * falsey, returns null. If string, the string is returned unmodified. * @returns {?object|string} A simple object or null if falsey value passed or * string if string was passed. */ _makeSerializableError(err) { if (!err) return null; if (typeof err === 'string') return err; return { message: err.message, name: err.name, fileName: err.fileName, lineNumber: err.lineNumber, columnNumber: err.columnNumber, stack: err.stack, }; } /** * @description Server has encountered an error, and must close. * @private * @this {ShardingMaster} * @param {Error} err The emitted error event. */ _serverError(err) { if (this._io) this._io.close(); if (this._app) this._app.close(); if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { common.error( 'ShardMaster failed to bind to port because it is in use. (' + err.port + ')'); } else { common.error('ShardMaster failed for unknown reason.'); console.error(err); } process.exit(1); } /** * @description Cleanup and fully shutdown gracefully. * @public */ exit() { if (this._hbTimeout) clearTimeout(this._hbTimeout); if (this._io) this._io.close(); if (this._app) this._app.close(); fs.unwatchFile(usersFile); fs.unwatchFile(configFile); fs.unwatchFile(authFile); process.exit(0); } } try { ShardingMaster.ShardMasterConfig = require(configFile); } catch (err) { // Meh. } ShardingMaster.ShardStatus = require('./ShardStatus.js'); ShardingMaster.ShardInfo = require('./ShardInfo.js'); if (require.main === module) { console.log('Started via CLI, booting up...'); const manager = new ShardingMaster(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], process.argv[4]); process.on('SIGINT', manager.exit); process.on('SIGTERM', manager.exit); } module.exports = ShardingMaster;