Source: connect4.js

// Copyright 2018 Campbell Crowley. All rights reserved.
// Author: Campbell Crowley (
require('./subModule.js').extend(Connect4);  // Extends the SubModule class.

 * @classdesc Manages a Connect 4 game.
 * @class
 * @augments SubModule
 * @listens Command#connect4
function Connect4() {
  const self = this;
  /** @inheritdoc */
  this.myName = 'Connect4';

  /** @inheritdoc */
  this.initialize = function() {
    self.command.on('connect4', commandConnect4);

  /** @inheritdoc */
  this.shutdown = function() {

  /** @inheritdoc */
  this.unloadable = function() {
    return numGames === 0;

   * Maximum amount of time to wait for reactions to a message. Also becomes
   * maximum amount of time a game will run with no input, because controls will
   * be disabled after this timeout.
   * @private
   * @constant
   * @type {number}
   * @default 5 Minutes
  const maxReactAwaitTime = 5 * 1000 * 60; // 5 Minutes

   * The number of rows in the board.
   * @private
   * @constant
   * @type {number}
   * @default
  const numRows = 6;

   * The number of columns in the board.
   * @private
   * @constant
   * @type {number}
   * @default
  const numCols = 7;

   * Helper object of emoji characters mapped to names.
   * @private
   * @type {object.<string>}
   * @constant
   * @default
  const emoji = {
    0: '\u0030\u20E3',
    1: '\u0031\u20E3',
    2: '\u0032\u20E3',
    3: '\u0033\u20E3',
    4: '\u0034\u20E3',
    5: '\u0035\u20E3',
    6: '\u0036\u20E3',
    7: '\u0037\u20E3',
    8: '\u0038\u20E3',
    9: '\u0039\u20E3',
    X: '❌',
    O: '⭕',

   * The number of currently active games. Used to determine of submodule is
   * unloadable.
   * @private
   * @type {number}
   * @default
  let numGames = 0;

   * Starts a connect 4 game. If someone is mentioned it will start a game
   * between the message author and the mentioned person. Otherwise, waits for
   * someone to play.
   * @private
   * @type {commandHandler}
   * @param {Discord~Message} msg Message that triggered command.
   * @listens Command#connect4
  function commandConnect4(msg) {
    const players = {p1:, p2: null};
    if (msg.mentions.users.size > 0) {
      players.p2 = msg.mentions.users.first();

   * Class that stores the current state of a connect 4 game.
   * @class
   * @public
   * @param {{p1: Discord~User, p2: Discord~User}} players The players in this
   * game.
   * @param {Discord~Message} msg The message displaying the current game.
  this.Game = function(players, msg) {
    const game = this;
     * The players in this game.
     * @type {{p1: Discord~User, p2: Discord~User}}
    this.players = players;
     * 2D Array of a 7w x 6h board. 0 is nobody, 1 is player 1, 2 is player 2.
     * @type {Array.<number[]>}
    this.board = [
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
     * Which player's turn it is. Either 1 or 2.
     * @type {number}
    this.turn = 1;
     * The message displaying the current game.
     * @type {Discord~Message}
    this.msg = msg;

     * Edit the current message to show the current board.
     * @param {number} [winner=0] The player who has won the game. 0 is game not
     * done, 1 is player 1, 2 is player 2, 3 is draw.
    this.print = function(winner = 0) {
      const embed = new self.Discord.EmbedBuilder();
      const names = ['Nobody', 'Nobody'];
      let gameFull = true;
      if (this.players.p1) {
        names[0] = this.players.p1.username;
      } else {
        gameFull = false;
      if (this.players.p2) {
        names[1] = this.players.p2.username;
      } else {
        gameFull = false;
      embed.setTitle(names[0] + ' vs ' + names[1]);
      if (!gameFull) {
        embed.setDescription('To join the game, just make a move!');

      let finalBoard = '```css\n' +
          // '012345678901234567890123456\n' +
          '        Connect Four           \n' +
              .map((row, rowNum) => {
                return row
                    .map((cell, colNum) => {
                      switch (game.board[rowNum][colNum]) {
                        case 1:
                          if (winner > 0 && winner != 1) {
                            return ' x ';
                          return ' X ';
                        case 2:
                          if (winner > 0 && winner != 2) {
                            return ' o ';
                          return ' O ';
                          return '   ';
      finalBoard += '\n';
      for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
        finalBoard += '___';
        if (i != numCols - 1) finalBoard += '|';
      finalBoard += '\n';
      for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
        finalBoard += ' ' + i + ' ';
        if (i != numCols - 1) finalBoard += '|';

      finalBoard += '\n```';

      embed.addFields([{name: '\u200B', values: finalBoard}]);
      if (winner == 0) {
          name: names[this.turn - 1] + '\'s turn (' +
              (this.turn == 1 ? 'X' : 'O') + ')',
          value: '`' + names[0] + '` is X\n`' + names[1] + '` is O',
      } else {
          name: '\u200B',
          value: '`' + names[0] + '` was X\n`' + names[1] + '` was O',

      if (winner == 3) {
        embed.addFields([{name: 'Draw game!', value: 'Nobody wins'}]);
      } else if (winner == 2) {
          name: names[1] + ' Won! ' + emoji.O,
          value: names[0] + ', try harder next time.',
      } else if (winner == 1) {
          name: names[0] + ' Won! ' + emoji.X,
          value: names[1] + ', try harder next time.',
      msg.edit({content: '\u200B', embeds: [embed]});

   * Create a game with the given players in a given text channel.
   * @public
   * @param {{p1: Discord~User, p2: Discord~User}} players The players in the
   * game.
   * @param {Discord~TextChannel} channel The text channel to send messages.
  this.createGame = function(players, channel) {
    channel.send({content: '`Loading Connect 4...`'}).then((msg) => {
      const game = new self.Game(players, msg);
      addListener(msg, game);

   * Add the reactions to a message for controls of the game. Recursive.
   * @private
   * @param {Discord~Message} msg The message to add the reactions to.
   * @param {number} index The number of reactions we have added so far.
  function addReactions(msg, index = 0) {
    msg.react(emoji[index]).then(() => {
      if (index < numCols - 1) addReactions(msg, index + 1);

   * Add the listener for reactions to the game.
   * @private
   * @param {Discord~Message} msg The message to add the reactions to.
   * @param {Connect4~Game} game The game to update when changes are made.
  function addListener(msg, game) {
    const filter = (reaction, user) => {
      if ( != {
        // reaction.users.remove(user).catch(() => {});
      } else {
        return false;

      if (game.turn == 1 && game.players.p1 &&
    != {
        return false;
      if (game.turn == 2 && game.players.p2 &&
    != {
        return false;
      for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
        if (emoji[i] == return true;
      return false;
    msg.awaitReactions({filter, max: 1, time: maxReactAwaitTime})
        .then((reactions) => {
          if (reactions.size == 0) {
            msg.reactions.removeAll().catch(() => {});
                  'Game timed out!\nThe game has ended because nobody made a ' +
                  'move in too long!',
            game.print(game.turn == 1 ? 2 : 1);
          if (!game.players.p1 && game.turn == 1) {
            const reactUsers = reactions.first().users.cache.first(2);
            game.players.p1 = reactUsers[1] || reactUsers[0];
          if (!game.players.p2 && game.turn == 2) {
            const reactUsers = reactions.first().users.cache.first(2);
            game.players.p2 = reactUsers[1] || reactUsers[0];

          let move = -1;
          const choice = reactions.first().emoji;
          for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
            if (emoji[i] == {
              move = i;
          if (move == -1) {
            addListener(msg, game);
          if (game.board[0][move] != 0) {
            addListener(msg, game);
          /* if (game.board[1][move] != 0) {
             } */
          let row;
          for (row = 1; row < numRows; row++) {
            if (game.board[row][move] != 0) {
          game.board[row][move] = game.turn;
          const winner = checkWin(game.board, row, move);
          if (winner != 0) {
            msg.reactions.removeAll().catch(() => {});
          } else {
            game.turn = game.turn === 1 ? 2 : 1;
            addListener(msg, game);
   * Checks if the given board has a winner, or if the game is over.
   * @param {number[]} board Array of 9 numbers defining a board. 0 is nobody, 1
   * is player 1, 2 is player 2.
   * @param {number} latestR The row index where the latest move occurred.
   * @param {number} latestC The column index where the latest move occurred.
   * @returns {number} Returns 0 if game is not over, 1 if player 1 won, 2 if
   * player 2 won, 3 if draw.
  function checkWin(board, latestR, latestC) {
    const player = board[latestR][latestC];
    // Column
    let count = 0;
    for (let r = latestR - 3; r <= latestR + 3 && r < numRows; r++) {
      if (r < 0) continue;

      if (board[r][latestC] == player) count++;
      else count = 0;

      if (count == 4) return player;
    // Row
    count = 0;
    for (let c = latestC - 3; c <= latestC + 3 && c < numCols; c++) {
      if (c < 0) continue;

      if (board[latestR][c] == player) count++;
      else count = 0;

      if (count == 4) return player;
    // Diag TL to BR
    count = 0;
    for (let r = latestR - 3, c = latestC - 3;
      r <= latestR + 3 && r < numRows && c <= latestC + 3 && c < numCols;
      r++, c++) {
      if (r < 0) continue;
      if (c < 0) continue;

      if (board[r][c] == player) count++;
      else count = 0;

      if (count == 4) return player;
    // Diag BL to TR
    count = 0;
    for (let r = latestR + 3, c = latestC - 3;
      r >= latestR - 3 && r >= 0 && c <= latestC + 3 && c < numCols;
      r--, c++) {
      if (r > numRows - 1) continue;
      if (c < 0) continue;

      if (board[r][c] == player) count++;
      else count = 0;

      if (count == 4) return player;

    // Is board full
    for (let r = 0; r < numRows; r++) {
      for (let c = 0; c < numCols; c++) {
        if (board[r][c] === 0) return 0;
    return 3;

module.exports = new Connect4();